Радиостанция Maxon SL1000 | |||
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Характеристики и обзор рации Maxon SL1000 |
Maxon SL1000 Series Professional Radio
Rugged construction 16 channels with scanning Powerful 1500 mAh Li-Ion Battery Enhanced Clear Audio Robust, Compact, Lightweight Emergency Signalling Fully Programmable Password Protect Wide Accessory Range Two Years Warranty With the Maxon guarantee of quality, performance and reliability Building on the success of the established Maxon range of professional two way radios and following the release of its licence free, PMR446 version-S5, Maxon CIC Europe Ltd is pleased to introduce the SL1000 series of programmable PMR hand held radios. The SL1000 is the professional solution to your communication needs. It is easy to operate, very robust and reliable. Designed for the rigours of everyday use with dust and water spray protection It is the perfect, low cost voice communication tool for many industries including Police, Fire, Ambulance, Railways, Security and Construction Firms, Retail Outlets and others, and is the perfect choice for radio hire applications The high capacity 1500 mAh Li-Ion battery pack provides for many hours of continuous operation without the need to recharge, which will benefit employees working long shifts. Li-ion batteries give lightweight performance without the memory effect exhibited by traditional Ni-Cd & Ni-Mh chemistries. The radio is supplied with a rapid charger as a standard and there is a wide range of accessories available to meet your specific needs. |
Приобщился я к делу радиосвязи... И вот неделю назад по случайному стечению обстоятельств стал счастливым обладателем двух советских одноканальных радиостанций CВ (гражданского) диапазона Колибри М1 с рабочей частотой 27,14 Мгц, и еще вот в четверг обзавелся радиостанцией MAXON-27-LP (40 каналов, 27 МГц, СВ-диапазон) Провел испытания их в работе в эфире, и вот с Вами делюсь как говорится работой в эфире от первого лица |
Приобщился я к делу радиосвязи... И вот неделю назад по случайному стечению обстоятельств стал счастливым обладателем двух советских одноканальных радиостанций CВ (гражданского) диапазона Колибри М1 с рабочей частотой 27,14 Мгц, и еще вот в четверг обзавелся радиостанцией MAXON-27-LP (40 каналов, 27 МГц, СВ-диапазон) Провел испытания их в работе в эфире, и вот с Вами делюсь как говорится работой в эфире от первого лица |
GE Monogram (Maxon SM4150) VHF 136-174 MHz 16ch 16 channel mobile radio Multi-Use Radio Service MURS radio test transmit and receive with both a 1/4 and 5/8 wave antenna. 151.820MHz 151.880MHz 151.940MHz 154.570MHz 154.600MHz and listening to some activity from other mobiles driving down Interstate 95 on MURS-4 (154.57 MHz - they were using a PL different from what this radio is programmed to TX on so I didn't bother trying to contact them) |
Maxon CM10, setari pe tari AM/FM. Maxon CM10 permite modificarea fiind o statie multinorm la fel ca Maxon CM70 Detalii pe |
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